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Point of View

The context in which we make important decisions is fast-moving, complex, and uncertain.  This makes it tough to make good decisions, and it's forecast to get tougher.  Without good decision making, value potential is not realized or value is destroyed, e.g. half to two-thirds of M&A transactions destroy value.


Many executives have one or more of these false beliefs which are undermining their strategic decision-making:

  1. Find and secure your sustainable competitive advantage.

  2. Measure the quality of a strategic decision on the outcome delivered.

  3. Decide quickly and effectively by relying on intuition.


Instead …

  1. Companies should fundamentally refresh their strategies to remain competitively differentiated and relevant.

  2. The quality of a decision should be assessed on the process followed and hence a good strategic decision-making process should be developed and applied.

  3. That process should be data-driven, rather than relying on intuition, which has been shown to be ineffective in strategic decision making.


There is a proven, data-driven process for reliably making high-quality strategic decisions.  We help executives make good strategic decisions and ultimately create more value by bringing the objectivity, skills, and experience to apply this proven process. 



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